Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tis the Season to be very busy.......

What a busy week! First my baby turned 6, how did that happen???? It seems like he was only just born! We spent our first Christmas in the hospital as he was born on the 21st and had some complications. Not a fun Christmas that year....
but now he is a healthy and happy little boy! He had a Lego Theme Party, I made his cake complete with edible Lego bricks! So much fun!

We made our first ever Ginger Bread house, I was so proud of myself I sat back and let him do most of the decorating and set aside my obsessive compulsiveness to have it "perfect" he was very proud with the results and so was I!

I have also been having a fun time with these little felt trees, I whipped up this pattern and have been making them with the kids!
I hope everyone is enjoying this Christmas Season!
Have a Happy Day! Meg


  1. My first baby turned 10 on the 21st! Love the lego theme...we did hockey! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!

  2. How in the world did you make those edible Lego bricks!!! He's a cutie pie for sure!!!
