Thursday, March 4, 2010

Busy with School Work.......

I just finished up my 2nd Wilton Cake Class I am having so much fun! I will begin the 3rd class next week.
Here are some pics of my final cake.
The flowers are made with royal icing.
And the little snail and mushroom are color flow.

I am in my 9th week of my Photography I class and I wanted to share some photos I have taken for this weeks assignment. As least I get to incorporate a few of my crafty loves in to my photos!

I am working on a fun new ebook/pattern I hope to have some samples to show soon!
Hope you are having a Happy Day! Meg


  1. Your cake looks beautiful! How fun!

  2. Very nice. Your flowers are great! I have always wanted to take the Wilton classes, maybe I will get around to it someday.

  3. Wow. This is one amazing cake. I really love it, and it looks yummy too!

  4. Такой великолепный пирог! Очень красивый и вкусный!
    Such magnificent pie! Very beautiful and tasty!

  5. cake....

    :: drool ::

  6. love this blog!! music is fab too! hey what's color flow??? for the snails??? great cakes!

  7. your cake is lovely! My 13 year old daughter is taking the wilton classes here in TX. She started level 2 tonight. I showed her your cake & she loved it too!

  8. Hi,

    The cake decorating is great!

    Just wanted to let you know there is a new feature on Quilt Qua - a weekly sponsored giveaway. Right now it is patterns by Fresh Poppy Design. Feel free to let your readers know about it, in addition to the Cakes and Gardens giveaway! If you would like to be a sponsor for upcoming giveaways let me know. If you are in the market for advertising on Quilt Qua, be in touch.

    Thank you,
    Connie Colten
    Quilt Qua
