Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sew Busy!!!!

We have been super busy working on our house and the hubby and I finally got to
move into our new bed room this weeked! Still need to add crown molding and trim but
other than that we are getting settled! I LOVE how my quilt looks on the wall I have been
planning on seeing this come together for about a year now and I am so happy how
it turned out! The walls are Vintage Orange....

The bathroom is done as well I love the Mum decals I bought off etsy and of course the
beautiful painting from  Sara's Art House.

My Castle Peeps arrived I love the color combos!  I am still not sure what I will be making yet....

I have been sewing some cute little skirts and tops for my friends little girl. 
I am having so much fun she is a true princess!  I will have more pics to share soon, 
here is a tutu and demin skirt I made for her last week!

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far!  Meg


  1. I love your bedroom! The quilt on the wall is Gorgeous! And I love where you put my painting :)

  2. Wow, so pretty and bright! love the little tutu skirt!

  3. I love seeing the vibrant colors you use. And the jeans top tutu is inspired!
