Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cathedral Windows

I finally tried my hand at a Cathedral Window Quilt (well mini quilt)  I only had a few yards of white fabric
in my stash or I would have continued this one....
I am so excited with the results!  I followed a Super Easy tutorial by Heather / A La Mode Fabric and
it made things so much easier than I ever thought! 
All I can say is be ready to iron!!! But the results are oh so worth it!

In this view I held it up to the window so the light filtered through.  I think it is so pretty!
If you have been a little hesitant to try this design now is time following Heather's tutorial you are sure to
have success! Lots of luck!

Have a Happy Day! Meg


  1. Megann! That is absolutely gorgeous!!

    I might have to give that a go!


  2. This is do gorgeous, and it looks so difficult to make this quilt!

  3. lovely work

    very very nice¡¡¡¡

  4. Lovely work, I just love it. it's great. Greetings from the Canary Islands.

  5. fantastic! lOVE your pic with the light coming through!!! really great! ;)
