Friday, January 21, 2011

DQS10 It Started with a Sketch........

I was so excited I made it in to this round for the Doll Quilt Swap 10. I got my partner info and the ideas began to flow! I sketched out my design and I am so pleased that it has transformed on to the fabric even better than I planned.

 I love color so I knew it had to be colorful.
 Trying something new!  I found tons of cute "quilt sayings"
This one just spoke to me.
 I had so much fun with the minis last round I knew I had to add at least one to this quilt!
Pieced thread spool with needle.
 Scrappy Patches...
Now all I need is the binding, which will be the black & white dotty print.
I loves seeing what everyone else comes up with for this swap!
Hope you are enjoying your January!


  1. This quilt is so gorgeous! I love it!!!! And the colours. Just beautiful!


  2. Very beautiful!
    I love the colours!

  3. This quilt is so great!!

    I wanted to let you know that I have awarded you a blog award!!! Head over to my blog to get it!

    Justine :)
