Monday, May 16, 2011

~Bloggers Quilt Festival Spring 2011~

 This is my favorite quilt right now!  I made it with the help of some wonderful ladies from Quilt Dreams ~ Quilting Bee!  It is for my 7yr old son Benjamin,  he choose all of the fabrics and the accent colors!  I love the fact that he appreciates all of the hard work that goes into making a great quilt!  He now sleeps cuddled under it every night and that makes me very happy!

This is Ben!
 Back View
 My favorite part of a quilt is the binding!  I love to hand sew it on!
 Enjoy checking out all of the other beautiful quilts in this festival!


  1. Hi Megan, its beautiful and Ben looks quite pleased with his quilt :)

  2. This quilt is great!!!!!!! Wow- I love the colors and patterns!

  3. that happy this Ben with his blanket. I congratulate this beautiful!

  4. Cute idea. Cute quilt. Cute little boy.

  5. I think he LOVES it! What a gift he can cherish forever.

  6. Both you and your son did a great job with this quilt. Congratulations.

  7. Megan that is so clever - I love it - and Ben is so adorable, he looks quite proud of his quilt! I love all the colors and the arrows. What a wonderful quilt!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I appreciate your lovely comment - I couldn't email you as you're a no-reply, but that's ok, I got to come check out your lovely blog! I just got that Material Obsessions book from the library, and want to make that same quilt!

  8. It's great to have a quilt that has had input from a lot of people. It looks great and is obviously appreciated.
