Monday, May 9, 2011

~Dresden Plate Quilt WIP~

Well I have finally started my Dresden Plate and I love how it looks so far but I am having a hard time deciding what fabric to use for the center!

 The plate colors
 Here I used the pink...
 This was my original plan but I am not sure the teal "pops" enough...
 This might be the answer?
What do you think?  I would love some input!!!
We finally have a beautiful sunny day today!


  1. in the book they use the red and white polkadots and it makes the center really pop and the petals are a secondary....
    if you want to achieve the same look I think you have to find a fabric for the center that really pops too....
    fussy cutting the centers would work well too...

  2. I think you should fussy cut those flowers. That would look really neat!

  3. In order to pop, it needs to contrast with all the petals of the plate. I love using round fussy cuts on mine, it really shows off that beautiful design!

  4. No matter which option you choose its going to look gorgeous. Just love all these fabrics. I'm voting for the pink but the green and blue fussy cut might work too.
